I've been wondering about singing skill of Mr. Lordi.
No offense, of course, I really like their music. Even there are some songs to which I seldom listen, but anyway, all of their song is catchy, simple, and has proper length. I do not like too much noisy song so much, so, Lordi is one of my favorite bands in this world.
But in same time, I wonder whether Mr. Lordi can sing cleverly in live or not.
Watching Lordi community, Monsterboard, many fans give unstinted praise to his singing voice; for example his voice is sexy, he can sing cleverly and so on. Some of them might watch their live, then, they may really believe Mr. Lordi's singing skill is great. Well, if I will stand in front of their stage in someday, I may be able to believe Mr. Lordi is great singer as many fans praise.
Unfortunately, I have not watched their live yet because I had no time to go to their live when they visited Japan. So, I wish I will go to their live in somewhere in someday.
So, my wonder about Mr. Lordi's singing skill is from some Euro-vision videos in YouTube. Thanks to the quality of those videos, well, his voice was recorded in bad state. But considering about the quality of the videos, I cannot help wondering the volume of Mr. Lordi's voice and his singing skill.
Of course, I do not know anything about music. But we can notice whether musicians can really sing along with band's performance. You must notice if musicians are out of tune, mustn't you? Same with you, I also notice it.
Then, when I watched the videos, I felt I might hear Mr. Lordi was off key several times. And his voice's volume seemed to be not enough.
Making CD, well, musicians can edit their voices and sounds of instruments as they want. So, even if songs in CD seem great, it is never evidence of true skills of musicians. Therefore, I never get excited about Lordi's new album even I will try to get it as soon as I can.
Of course, their value is not only their skills. Lordi is composed of music and their unique concept, so, I favor them with all of their charateristics.
But haha, in same time, I can never expose such opinion in places where eager Lordi fans wander about*laughs* If some of them see my wonder, they must think I insult them.