
That's why I hate Journalists

I often mutter anything my thought on twitter in Japanese, and I follow some people who call themselves 'Journalists'.
To tell the truth, before, I did not dislike such kind of people so much; rather I did not have any interest in them. But recently, I often read articles which irritate me quite terribly and related to journalists.

Why I become to hate them?
It is simple reason; I believe they must think they're the cleverest than the others in this world, and they must be convinced they have right to blame and look down on the other people despite of they're not such clever than they believe.
They often claim "The pen is mighter than the sword', but I doubt whether they really know or not how much 'the pen' is strong.

Well, I also think 'the pen' can be mighty weapon in some case than the other weapons because I know my only word sometimes hurts the others even I do not intend to hurt them. So, all of us should be careful when we use strong words, try to tell own thought, and so on.
However, it seems journalists who make a living from words never care what they say and write. They always blame and look down on people, then, hurt those victims terribly, but they never admit they have done quite cruel and silly thing. They believe they're true justice, and the other people are silly or evil.

I want to think it is not that all journalists are such people. But around me, I cannot find any journalist whom I can respect yet.

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