

A few days ago, I wathed the movie 'Angels and Demons', and read again its original novel.

I'm not a Christian, so, the novel is filled with descriptions which I cannot understand so much. In my country, Christianity is not popular, so, I felt strange some desctiptions about faith in the novel.
It's not that I'm an ahesist. But my 'god' is not any poupular gods of several popular gods. But I do not deny we sometimes feel the existence of 'god' here and there. Well, god is not equal religion even if religion needs god. For such reason, I think I may like the main character, Prof. Langdon, in the novel*laughs* I can agree with his thought in some degrees, maybe.

For me, it is quite stupid that some place never teach children about modern evolutionary theory. I cannot believe the fact that there are people who regard evolutionary theory is evil, against god's will. But at least in one point, religion resembles science very much.

They are composed of 'male's' theory.

I don't mention science anymore. I know there are many differences between male's and female's abilities because of physical differences (for example male can drive a car better than female in general, female can do many things side by side blablabla), so, I can understand the reason why males still occupy important places in science world. Maybe, it is necessary combative spirit to be famous in science field and males have much strong combative spitir than females, so, maybe it may be one fact.

But about religions, I cannot get to like the idea that 'women are evil because they lead males abstray'
I don't know about religions. To tell the truth, I have not read any books which discuss religions. But it is obvious that almost of 'modern' religions look down on females, and I CANNOT understand why woman believers decided to give their heart to such stupit religions.

Well, maybe their living environments lead them to faith. Some of them could not choose having faith or not. So, I'm quite lucky that no one forced me to believe something silly 'god'.
I really feel sad some women got trampled because of male superiority religions. And I really despise males who believe they can ill-treat women because their religion allows it. Even if Christanity did not allow it, there are many silly fellows who believe they can abuse women because they believe 'Christanity regards woman on the same level with animals'. For some males, females are not same living things which have brain and thought.

Why woman cannot be the Pope? Where popes came from, then? They were from between branches?*laughs*
I do not know it is real of not and I never want to search it; why popes should be virgin?*laughs*

And not only christanity; Why religions can regard women are uncleaness?

If religions believe sex is uncleaness, women are not responsible to the silly thought. All popular religions were created from male's point of view; therefore, only males who had created those religions found out 'unleaness' in sex despite of they were from mothers' womb. They should be ashamed themselves not despite women because women cannot rape males. All ages and civilizations, males have been raping women because they cannot suppress sex-desire. Women are never responsible to male's desire.

The male line society has amounts of problems because of Y-chromosome's combative spirit and warlike nature. So, it is maybe natural that religions created under Y-chromosome cannot help looking down on woman.

I wish children in near future won't be abused by such silly male-line-religions. Human's 'god' should change its phase as time goes by.


  1. I have to admit, I have never watched ''Angels and Demons'', nor had I read those books, I had enough with ''DaVinci Code'' :P

    Speaking about religions, I also find it amusing how women are not allowed in the most sacred place in Vatican, despite the fact the person who brought ''the son of god'' to world, was a woman herself xD And I have to wonder with which part of their body do these men think when they say women are lower than them. Because, if there weren't any women there would not be men, too xD Or pherhaps they could be able to reproduce somehow, anyway xD *laughing hard*
    And then there are the sins. If you break the rules, you go to hell xD I find very funny how it says that all people have already been born in sin xD Were it us who asked our parents to have sex, then? xD I know I didn't xD

    I have to wonder how religious people speak of virgins as ''pure''. I mean, a woman or man can be a virgin and still be as dirty-minded as any other person and I doubt that the small piece of flesh for women changes much if it's not there anymore xD

    The trouble with novadays ''monoteism'' religions is that they all started peacefully, but almost always end up in bloodbath because people become fanatics and start believing their religion is the only right one and think it gives them right to enforce it to others. It was a genocide what the German crusaders did in the 12th and 13th centuries when they came to Baltic region, believing they did good and killing everyone who didn't accept their religion. A lot of knowledge of my people was gone with our priests, a lot of it we can't regain anymore, because nobody is able to understand the runes and codes they left :s

    When the Christianity appeared in Europe, all the other gods the European people were praying to were suddenly made into demons, to show the folks how ''wrong'' they are in praying to them. And then I also have to think of all the knowledge that was suddenly gone due to the Christianity, because ''if it is not in bible, it is useless''.

    I have only one thing left to say - I think somehwere something went terribly wrong with the Y-chromosome xD

  2. Let me give my advies as a woman believer AND christian

    First of all i'm for freedom of believing and don't agree when christian say other religion are wrong and other god bad, all is free to mind like they found best for them

    But when I read you both, you give me impress do not know about christian.

    I explain me

    first like majority you confuse Catholic and Christian. Not all the Christian have a pop or see women like Catholic do

    I'm protestant, it's also christian but a woman can be pastor, there isn't any "boss" 'cos for us all are equal, women like men and we adapt us on the modern time like for example with "being virgin" even for us the bible is the book we follow most

    But don't compare who read bible and follow without even mind, take it word by word and who read it but analyze what is say, mind about it and inspire from it but don't follow like a blind

    This book was based on Catholic religion not on Christian and I should love if people should can begin make the difference 'cos sometime I'm tired that people judge me when I say "I'm Christian" only 'cos they have a bad view about Catholic.

    It's like we should say that since you are fans of monsters automatically you are fans of Gwar, not you can be fans of monsters and dislike one of them when like a other. It same for me, I'm Christian (fan of monster) but I dislike one of the christian religion (catholic) when like a other christian religion (protestant)
