I posted this journal at dA, but I want to show it here too.
I wish it would be a chance which can let you think about winner's and loser's histories.
I sometimes feel tired when I happen to see some kind of works and opinions about Axis Powers at WW2.
Well, I happened to see a work, personified nation (not Hetalia) thing. I don't intend to be angry with the work itself, but a comment against the work made me feel rage.
When I write such thing, some of you may want to blame I am a hypocrite. I do not care what name you would call me. I don't think I'm a good person, though, but do not have interest in 'justice' which you Westerners love discussing.
Some of comments tried to mention about WW2 and what Axis Powers had done against the other countries. And I really would LOVE to exclaim there were no 'justice' in the terrible war.
I would like you to think about the silliness to discuss about 'justice' about war.
Some of them would love to blame Japan because they think we do not accept our sin. They said Japanese soldiers murdered much more Asian people (especially Chinese and Korean people) than Nazis, and they think Japan should be blamed by whole of countries.
And they said we have not apologized our 'sin' yet. Oh, how silly they are?! How the fuck they can exclaim such wrong 'history'? Literaly, I forgot breathing when I read such comments because of heat rage.
Remember. Japan has paid amount of money to Asian countries. How much?
About 25-billion dollars as war reparation. I never allow anyone exclaiming 'Japand does not apologize its 'sin' yet'. If you still doubt we do not apologize our sin, then, remember.
Our nation has been keeping imprinting us self-torture view of history. Due to information control of victorious countries, children after WW2 have been keeping being imprinted 'Our nation has done nasty against Asian countries and Allied Powers.' and I am one of victims of such self-torture education. After WW2, Allied Powers (especially USA) tried to sprit pride from us. Therefore, I won't be able to trust the declaration 'Yes We Can'. I never think past victorious contries can bring us 'peace'.
Don't misunderstand me. I don't intend to justify the war. I accept the fact that Japan took up arms against YOU about 60-year ago. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and murdered many innocent people. I accept the fact that Japan has ruled some Asian countries. BUT remember; the way of control was quite different from you White People had done your previous colonies. Japan improved local infrastructure and gave education people in there. Then, tell me; comparing to my ancestors, what did your ancestors do against natives? Tell me, what did your ancestores do Asian countries before WW2? If you dare to say our counry's history is brutal, then, how is your histroies?? You know your 'brutal' histories?
About Nanjing, yes, I'd mention it of course. The commenters said Japanese soldiers murdered and raped millions of Chinese. I do not know the truth. But you should remember, the number of victims which Chinese published kept changing several times and it is still unsure whether the slaughter happened or not. I'm also unsure it is true or not, but I do not care it unless the fact would be confirmed.
About Unit 731. I know it.
I should regret what the unit had done. But I don't think we should keep being ashamed of what they had done. I accept it as a fact, but I won't be ashamed me against what the unit had done. I am a Japanese, same with soldiers in Unit 731. But I'm not same person with them. Never. I don't think I should say sorry to you. And you should know, Americans. Your ancestors could get amounts of data from Unit 731 in exchange for they would not judge leaders of Unit 731.
If you claim I should do it, you should say sorry to colored people your ancestors had trampled down. See? What you require me must lead what you would get required from the others.
And about Asian countries.
Maybe you did not know what I tell you from now. Well, China and Korean still would LOVE to blame Japan to extract much money and other support from us. But some of countries rather respected Japan had started the war because they thought WW2 brought them independence much earlier than the case WW2 might not happen from YOU Western Countries. I never allow you to exclaim 'All Asians still hate Japan'. NEVER.
Now, I talked about WW2 from my, loser's, viewpoint. I might be able to tell another 'truth' to you, which you have not known.
Like I now did, I would like you to see histroies from many viewpoints. I would like you to try to think about war from many viewpoints. We should not talk about histories from only one side.
Think about a family tree; you can read another fact if you try to make it from mother's line.
Like that, you can find another 'history' if you try to see it from another viewpoint.
We should know that the histories tend to be written from victors' viewpoints. Losers also keep telling their histories to children, and their histories would be twisted too. But one thing is absolute; both sides tend to describe the other as evil one. So, histories which Allied Powers told their people described Axis Powers were merciless, brutal, heartless and blablabla. Many of you must get such historical education, mustn't you?
I really feel sympathy for some German people because they still keep being ashamed what Nazis had done even they DO NOT do anything to the others.
But contrary to those Germany people, I never feel sorry for you what my country had done before because I know I am a very different person from ancestors. But it is not that I would forget the fact, WW2 has happened and my country has played a horrible role in it. I would never be proud of it even WW2 might lead the fact that it helped independence of some Asian countries. But in same time, I never accept you say we do not know our 'sin'. I never accept your clamation two atomic bombs saved rest Japanese people in excange for 20-hundred thousands people's lives. And in the list of nuclear testing, names of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were written as testing sites. USA government admits Hirosima and Nagasaki were only testing sites, hun!
What do you think about this fact? Still, you can declare Japan deserved two atomic bombs? You still can think Enola Gay and Bockscar are heroes? I cannot help doubting that some people must lose many screws from their brains as they declare USA has done correct thing throwing two atomic bombs down.
You should declare same thing at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you're correct, hum, people in the two prefectures would accept your declaration. But we know (at least think) such silly declaration is never reliable.
Then, why don't you tell it to people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
We can learn from mistake, yes. But it is useless to separate the world 'evil' and 'justice' like now we are doing against some countries.
I don't say we should accept terrorism. But before blaming what they do, we should consider about what the hell made them choose to do it. It is easy to blame others whom you cannot accept. But we should know it never solve anything. And I don's intend to say you should sympathize with terrorists. But if you declare we can learn from mistake, we should know hatred would never bring anything useful.
It is easy to believe Japan that we have not apologized because it is convenient thought to you victorious countries to justify what you had done. It is easier to blame anyone than accepting own mistakes. It is easier to accept one-side history blindly than trying to learn same history from another viewpoint.
These are what MANY people are doing now. I'd like to believe my online friends are not one of them, of course, but it is fact that many of people in this world tend to choose convenient history.
It is free which histories you would believe. So, I'd keep refusing the silly declaration that dropping atmoic bombs is correct. But if you still believe USA has done correct, of course, I won't prevent you keep claiming it.
But I BET.
As long as you keep seeing histories from only-one side, it will never be possible that we bring complete peace to our world. At least, I never believe USA can be the flag-bearer of peace as long as the President believes there are two kinds of wars, 'justice' and 'evil'.
It is only viewpoint of America. But turning gaze to another, people which USA attacked recently would never think the attack was 'correct'. No evil and correct in wars. These two would never be absolute evaluation. Evil and justice are only relatively evaluations.
Forcing values to someone is really silly and brutal. But now, this world almost do it to minorities. I really feel crisis at the fact.
I wrote above hatred never bring anything. And I'd show the proof below.
You may think now I'm an arrogant person. Sure, even I oftne wear a mask of silly comic drawer, but it is not my true character. In my mind, there is dark, ugly and cold thought against you. I'm not even a hypocrite. I can be strict and nasty person frequently like now. Same with some persons look down on me, I also look down on them.
You can say I'm a racist, yes. I do not deny I'm it. I admit I've been keeping discriminatory person.
But I never believe people can dump racism even if you believe you're not it. This world is full of discrimination. We only live our lives hiding our discriminatory faces.
See? Now, some of you may feel hatred to me. I don't blame if you feel anger and hatred to me, of course, but maybe you can see what I want to say hatred like I showed never bring anything positive.
I sometimes get tired of such kind of rage which visits me. Even I'm a discriminatory one, but I'd never like to be the one who judge people by only one side and refuse people because of difference of cultures.
At least I try to do it even I cannot think I can do it now.
If you read this journal to here, thanks very much.